Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mr. bean's brother is apparently a tour guide

I swear, Mr. Bean's brother was my tour guide today. Looked so much like him :) I got down to the borders today. Found out that this is the origin of the Border Collie (imagine that) and got to see the ruins of Melrose Abbey. Along with the first William Wallace Monument and Scott's View. Then off to Rosslyn chapel - I'm uploading those pictures at the moment.

Oddly enough, it doesn't feel that different from home - barring the accents. Greener, sure, and things are blooming everywhere, but it still is so much like home. Even ate at McDonald's yesterday (yeah, yeah, I know but it's cheap! About the same price as in Canada, really.) Mildly disappointing, but still, I'm in Scotland!

Next time, I'll book longer tours rather than the day tours.

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